We want everyone to enjoy fine eating in London, no matter what their dietary needs, preferences or beliefs. This is why, alongside our award winning dry bar, we design rich and varied menus that cater for all tastes, appetites and choices. Using the finest meats, seasonal game, seafood and vegetables, we create fabulous Chef’s Specials, as well as putting delicious contemporary twists to some traditional favourites. Always striving to keep our offerings diverse and exciting, we regularly change our menus to incorporate seasonal produce and re-invent classic dishes.

With years of experience in international cuisine, our chefs represent the perfect balance between a classically trained background and a desire for modern techniques. Together they craft each dish using the finest ingredients, to ensure unique character and flavour – from melt-in-the-mouth meat to fresh fish and vegetables. Their flair, style, and imagination create stunning menus with techniques and excellent presentation resulting in remarkable flavours and textures.

Our fine eating restaurant in London is a place for anyone to enjoy outstanding food, for any occasion. From the wonderful relaxed, welcoming vibe to the sensational cuisine, and award winning dry bar and Rare Tea collection, we believe fine eating should be an unforgettable experience. And that’s exactly what you get at The Great Chase. 

Get in touch


The Great Chase
6G Esther Anne Place
London, N1 1WL

0204 580 1405

* Mandatory Fields